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April 30, 2025

9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. MDT


El Paso Community College’s Contract Opportunities Center APEX Accelerator is excited to announce that we will host the Procurement and Contracting Symposium (PCS) to be held at EPCC Administrative Services Center (ASC) Building A, 9050 Viscount Blvd, El Paso, TX 79925.  

This conference has historically been an important event for the business communities in El Paso County, West Texas and Southern New Mexico.  It has also presented an opportunity for government agencies and government prime contractors to extend their outreach to the region.  Invitations have been sent to all federal agencies, all known government prime contractors, regional state and local governments, and small business concerns throughout the region, and beyond.



  1. Federal, State, and Local Government Representatives

  2. Prime Contractors

  3. Small Business Firms

  4. Individuals interested in Training Sessions

  5. Individuals and Firms interested in Forecasts and Upcoming Projects



  1. To Network and Develop potential working relationships with Federal, State, and Local Government Agencies, Buyers, Prime and Sub Contractors, Suppliers, Providers, and the Regional Business Community. 

  2. Participate in Excellent Training Sessions that are provided by Respected National Trainers

  3. To Receive Government Contracting Guidance, Updates, and Upcoming Forecasts.


General Registration Fees:  The registration fee is $20 per person (presenters & panelists excluded). The registration fee includes continental breakfast and boxed lunch. To register as a general attendee, visit the General Registration Page.

Booth Space: Requests for booth/exhibitor space must be received at the time registrations are submitted or no later than two weeks prior to the event.  There will be a fee of $50 for booth /exhibitor space, in addition to the $20 registration fee.


Electricity is available for an additional fee of $20.


Priority for booth/exhibitor space will be given to sponsors, government agencies, and government prime contractors. All others will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis as long as space is available.  All booths must be paid 1 week prior to the event.  Booth space is 8ft wide.  Any display that is wider than 8ft must be noted when registering so that proper accommodation can be made.  Please note that any display wider than 10ft may require the purchase of additional booth space.


Government Registration: There are no registration fees for Government Funded Entities.  Government Funded Entities may register up 2 attendees and may include a booth at no cost.  Any Government Registration that includes more than two attendees will incur a $20 registration fee for each attendee beyond the initial 2 waived attendees. To register as a government entity, visit the Government Registration Page.

Sponsorship Opportunities: Conference sponsorship opportunities are available. All corporate partners, supporting organizations and interested firms are invited to sponsor this event. To register as a sponsor, visit our Sponsor Registration Page

Platinum Sponsor - $500

  • 8'x 2' display table positioned in prominent location

  • 8 attendee tickets

  • Full page color advertisement in program (8" wide by 10" tall)


Gold Sponsor - $375

  • 8'x 2' display table positioned in prominent location

  • 6 attendee tickets

  • half page color advertisement in program (8" wide by 5" tall)

Silver Sponsor - $250

  • 8'x 2' display table positioned in prominent location

  • 4 attendee tickets

  • quarter page color advertisement in program (4"wide by 5"tall)


Bronze Sponsor - $125

  • 8'x 2' display table positioned in prominent location

  • 2 attendee tickets

  • full color logo in program

Should you need any additional information or have any questions or concerns please contact Pablo Armendariz, 915‐831‐7747 email:

Sponsor Registration
General Registration
Government Registration

© 2019 Contract Opportunities Center  

Frequently Asked Questions   

For Questions /  Contact us (915) 831-7754 or

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The El Paso County Community College District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

This APEX Accelerator is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense (DOD). The content of any written materials or verbal communications of this APEX Accelerator does not necessarily reflect the official views of or imply endorsement by DOD or EPCC.

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